We are thriving to be one of the best in our support for all customers around the Globe emphasizing our strategy in quality products, on time delivery, and continuous improvement. Our Company is in the process of transforming itself by implementing all relevant methods to radically upgrade efficiency and effectiveness of organization. In support of the change, we are seeking bright people having adequate knowledge, focused and capable in working individually or in team. We are looking energetic people in the area of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics, Metallurgy, IT, Finance, HR, and Planning. If you have that qualification, we are inviting you to drop your CV in the Rene Portal and let us to go through your credentials. We welcome fresh graduates.
Put us as one reference for you to achieve success.
Please click on the links below to get in touch with us:
Please click on the link below to get in touch with us via Linkedin:
We are sorry that only candidates meeting criteria will be notified. And all selection process and hiring decision are solely set up by the Company. Please update your credentials from time to time to ensure we know your latest competence. We can perhaps NOT hire you NOW BUT we can hire you TOMORROW.
Fraud Alert!
PTCT has been made aware of various correspondence being circulated online or via phone call and text message, falsely stating that they are issued by, or in association with PTCT and/or its officials. These scams, Which may seek to obtain money stated that candidates are required to pay us any sum of money or to transfer money to travel company at any point in the recruitment process. We do sometimes engage a third party (head hunter company) to help support recruiting efforts, yet we never ask candidates to pay any money.
Fake Recruitment Campaigns and Job Scams are not authorized or connected in any way with PTCT or its subsidiaries. PTCT and its subsidiaries are not responsible for them. This means PTCT and its subsidiaries have no responsibility for any action you take in connection with a scam. We won’t be liable for any loss you suffer in connection with a scam.
Please note that PTCT officially contact candidates through:
– phone number “0778 711888”,
– email address “rene@citratubindo.co.id”,
– classmarker (for online test), and
– other contacts that available on the official page of our website such as www.citratubindo.com, rene.citratubindo.com, and our jobstreet page.
Any mean of communication aside from the aforementioned official contact above HAVE NOT BEEN SENT by PT Citra Tubindo Tbk (PTCT) and should not be responded to.
Businesses cannot be successful when the society around them fails.